Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm back

I'm back from a nice vacation to the Eastern part of Mass.. We spent a day on Cape Cod, Salem, Plymouth, Lexington, Concord, and Boston. It was a very nice historical vacation. I would say DO NOT rent a car. Bostonians do not pay attention to lanes. And they have a lot of rotary's which take a bit to get use to. Other than that, nice scenery and a wonderful time.

Couple of house cleaning issues I wanted to touch on. Remember the importance of bringing back equipment on time. This includes any gear, mics, cameras, light kits. Failure to do so will result in fines and eventually suspension.

We also will be enforcing the studio strike rule. We have had issues with things not being returned to the Access desk and the prop/set storage area looking like a tornado hit it. Failure to return all items to the access desk by fifteen minutes before the end of your reservation and being ready for the walk through at that time, will result in a fine and loss of studio privileges. We work hard to ensure that everyone has a positive experience in the studio we ask that you help us too.

Also if you use the lounge area it is expected that you clean this area up, do the dishes and put them away. You can not just leave them in the dish drain. I am not your housekeeper. Failure to do so will result in fines. As the producer this is your responsibility.