Sunday, March 04, 2007

Another look inside

This is why we don't do extension. Member B came to a staff member and asked for an extension for her/his hard drive. The staff member granted Member B the extension for two weeks. The expiration date on the drive was changed to reflect the new date. After those two weeks were up, Member B came to me and asked if she/he could have an extension. I explained that we didn't do extension and member B said that another staff member had told her she could have a two week extension. I told member B that I would honor what the other staff member had offered. Member B neglected to tell me that those two weeks had already passed. Member B received a one month extension. This is an example of a member taking advantage of there being more than one staff and that we don't always talk about each circumstance.

The lesson I learned that even when we are sympathetic and grant an extension, some members will still try to take advantage of our compassion even more. When we do things like this, we typically have to do some juggling to make sure everyone still gets the equipment they were promised.