Friday, June 30, 2006

The Great MN Get Together

Hey all, The summer is going by fast and soon it will be time for that event that draws people from all over MN to one place. It is 12 days of food, rides, and grandstand events and once again this year Minnesota Community Television will be involved.

For our second year at the fair a little has changed. We are no longer in the Technology building and are instead in the Education building. This year at the top, bottom and quarter hours we will be taping mini shows. If you are a non-profit please sign up for a time to tape your "show". The shows will be five minute interviews.

At the booth we will also be handing out flyers from stations around MN, information on legislation that is currently in the United States Congress, and helping fair goers find out what IS communty TV.

If you are a member or volunteer at a MN Communtiy Access Center talk to your center about volunteering for this event. Admission to the fair will be provided. If you are a member or volunteer at SPNN let me know if you are interested in giving up an afternoon or evening or two to help us out. Those that helped last year know that it was a good time.