Monday, June 26, 2006

Update on Legislation

Dear supporter,

First we want to thank you! Thousands of letters were sent to Senators
last week as a result of your efforts. We applaud you for taking the
time to make your voice heard and sending a strong message in support of
PEG community media, net neutrality and the need for stronger red-lining
provisions. The mark-up hearing on Senate Bill S.2686 resumes tomorrow,
Tues. June 27th at 10:00. Very little progress was made in the first day
of the mark-up last week (a rundown is at:
Please continue to email your Senators if you haven't already at!

We want to take a moment to inform you of other issues that have arisen
in the mark-up proceedings, some good, some bad. If you have Senators on
the Commerce Committee (list below), this would be a good day to call

S.2686 Amendments and What You Can Do:
Over 200 amendments are to be discussed for possible inclusion in
S.2686, including one on broadcast flag with onerous copy protection
that impacts on 'fair use' issues. Another amendment would expand local
radio licenses - a good addition.

1) Broadcast Flag - This is a copy protection scheme that would make it
virtually impossible for broadcast media to be reused under current
'fair use' practices. To counter the broadcast flag amendment there is
an another amendment to strike it. Public Knowledge calls on people with
Senators on the Commerce Committee (see list below) to:
Call your Senator today with this simple message: "Support the Sununu
Amendment to strike the broadcast and radio flags."
Learn more Public Knowledge:

2) Expand Local Radio - Sen. McCain has offered an amendment that would
expand Low Power Radio licenses. This could result in hundreds of new
local radio stations serving local communities. Our friends at
Prometheus Radio are asking people to call on their Senators to support
TITLE XI: LOCAL COMMUNITY RADIO ACT by calling and saying:
I support, and my community supports, the language in Senate Bill 2686
that would expand low power FM across our state and across this country.
In an era of natural disasters, and few opportunities for churches,
schools, and community groups to make their voices heard, we need more
local radio stations in our cities and towns. Please support low power
FM in Senate Bill 2686."
Learn more at:

3) Protect PEG Provisions - The Alliance for Community Media is asking
supporters to support the gains made including PEG provisions in S.2686
- Calling or faxing your Senators again.
- Send a copy Senators Inouye and Stevens.
- The message is simple:
"We ask that you prevent any amendments to S2686 that attack PEG
funding, franchise fees or municipal authority. Thank you."
These phone calls/faxes are especially important if your Senator is on
the Commerce Committee (see the list below). And please continue to send
your emails via our site which also seeks to protect PEG provisions.

Senate Commerce Committee Members

Ted Stevens - Alaska - Chairman
Hart 522 202-224-3004
Fax (202) 224-2354

John McCain - Arizona
Russell 241 202-224-2235
Fax: (202) 228-2862

Conrad Burns - Montana
Dirksen 187 202-224-2644
Fax: 202-224-8594

Trent Lott - Mississippi
Russell 487 202-224-6253
Fax: (202) 224-2262

Kay Bailey Hutchison - Texas
Russell 284 202-224-5922
Fax: 202-224-0776

Olympia Snowe - Maine
Russell 154 202-224-5344
Fax: (202) 224-1946

Gordon Smith - Oregon
Russell 404 202-224-3753
Fax: 202.228.3997

John Ensign - Nevada
Russell 364 202-224-6244
Fax: (202) 228-2193

George Allen - Virginia
Russell 204 202-224-4024
Fax: (202) 224-5432

John Sununu - New Hampshire
Russell 111 202-224-2841
FAX (202) 228-4131

Jim DeMint - South Carolina
Russell 340202-224-6121
Fax: 202-228-5143

David Vitter - Louisiana
Hart 516202-224-4623
Fax: (202) 228-5061


Daniel K. Inouye - Hawaii - Co-Chairman
Hart 722 202-224-3934
Fax: 202-224-6747

John D. Rockefeller IV - West Virginia
Hart 531 202-224-6472
Fax (202) 224-7665 Fax

John F. Kerry - Massachussetts
Russell 304 202-224-2742
Fax: (202) 224-8525

Byron L. Dorgan - North Dakota
Hart 322 202-224-2551
Fax: 202-224-1193

Barbara Boxer - California
Hart 112 202-224-3553
Fax: none listed

Bill Nelson - Florida
Hart 716 202-224-5274
Fax: 202-228-2183

Maria Cantwell - Washington
Hart 717 202-224-3441
Fax: 202-228-0514

Frank Lautenberg - New Jersey
Hart 324 202-224-3224
Fax: (202) 228-4054

E. Benjamin Nelson - Nebraska
Hart 720202-224-6551
Fax: (202) 228-0012

Mark Pryor - Arkansas
Russell 217202-224-2353
Fax: (202) 228-0908